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Specializing in human evolution and the aspects revealed through the analysis of ancient animal bones, Jessica Thompson is a leading voice in paleo-anthropology, evolutionary theory and hunter-gatherer ethnography.
She is a professor at Yale University and also leads the Malawi ancient Lifeways and Peoples Project in Malawi, in central Africa, to develop and interpret the evolutionary history in the area during the last Ice Age.
The ancestral health & events center in East Austin is getting closer to becoming a reality! Email Brian at hi@foodlies.org to get involved. We're looking for anyone from members to investors!
GET THE MEAT http://NosetoTail.org FREE SAPIEN FOOD GUIDE http://sapien.org
Follow along: http://twitter.com/FoodLiesOrg http://instagram.com/food.lies http://facebook.com/FoodLiesOrg
At Nose to Tail, we have products such as primal ground beef that includes liver, heart, kidney, and spleen for all the amazing nutrients and none of the hassle or taste you may not be used to. We ship boxes straight to you and have free shipping options. We also have biltong if you want grass finished meat on the go. This is a traditional South African meat snack that’s air dried, soft, and delicious. We have body care products made from beef tallow and only a couple other natural ingredients.
We also have seasonings to go along with these wonderful products and make cooking that much easier. Make a custom box today at http://NoseToTail.org and take advantage of the free shipping options. That’s how these interviews are all possible along with all the other content we produce on youtube and social media. Thanks for supporting the ranchers, my other producers, and my team!
The other way you can take advantage of this win-win-win situation is at http://Sapien.org where we have the Sapien Tribe. It’s a private members community where you get the extended show notes for these podcasts, discounts on NoseToTail products, zoom calls with Dr. Gary and myself, and a lot more. There’s also the Sapien Program if you’d like some help making a lifestyle change. Go to http://Sapien.org to find out more. Now onto the show!
Also check out our new beef tallow body care products
Biltong (South African air-dried beef specialty)
Sugar-free, freshly ground seasonings
and custom patch hats
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[1:15] - Dr. Tyna’s background and how she shifted her career when the pandemic hit to improve the amount of positive impact she could have
[5:07] - Dr. Tyna’s struggle with cytomegalovirus and how it transformed her view of western medicine, alternative care and how lifestyle affects health
[21:55] - Tyna’s thoughts on what we should have done differently over the past two years
[29:30] - Discussions around metabolic health and preventative health measures
[40:30] - Tyna’s thoughts on muscle mass and it’s importance with muscle mass
[55:00] - Dr. Tyna shares her experience with “Wake up calls” around health and lifestyle
BUY THE MEAT NosetoTail.org
Support me on Patreon! http://patreon.com/peakhuman
Preorder the film here: http://indiegogo.com/projects/food-lies-post
Film site: http://FoodLies.org
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/FoodLies
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Theme music by https://kylewardmusic.com/
Hey, Brian. The embedded video above isn't Tyna Moore. Instead, it's the beautiful Jessica Thompson. Just FYI.